St. Luke’s Mountain States Tumor Institute has been hard at work on the acupuncture and Pharmacogenetic research that Betty Hise has funded for the last few years. We are happy to report that the limited trials performed for the acupuncture study has had some success for pain management in cancer patients receiving treatment. At this point the research has gone as far as it can go, however results received are being shared with other cancer centers for further evaluation.
The Pharmacogenetic research which focuses on the effects of cancer medications in cancer patients has been slower than anticipated. While they have been able to obtain DNA information from several participants and have followed their progress during treatment the researchers have experienced some technological setbacks which means that the data that they have collected from each patient still needs to be input into the computer system for further evaluation. The project has been placed on temporary hold and MSTI is working on brining in the support needed to ensure the studies success.
MSTI has recently submitted a new project that would fund research for directed toward autologous stem cell research for cancer patients. Autologous stem cell transplants are transplants in which the patient has their own stem cells collected. The patient then received a high dose of chemotherapy to treat the disease and then they receive their stem cells back. By collecting the patient’s own stem cells and returning them after the high dose of chemo they are able to treat the patient with doses of chemotherapy that would otherwise be lethal. The goal of the project is to improve outcomes and quality of life, contribute to the larger MSTI Transplant Program by providing research opportunities for both allogenic and autologous transplant patients, and to close the gaps in Blood and Marrow Clinical Trials currently being conducted by St. Luke’s. The board is currently reviewing this project which will be voted on in late July.
Betty Hise Makes A $50,000 Donation to MSTI
For twenty Eight years, the Betty Hise for Cancer Research has supported research programs at
St. Luke’s Mountain States Tumor Institute and contributed over $180,000. Their gifts have supported research conducted at St. Luke’s MSTI and have helped to advance the knowledge and the practice of medicine through basic and clinical research.
The Betty Hise for Cancer Research organization has allowed St. Luke’s MSTI to continue their research by the funding of our Effectiveness of Acupuncture to Manage Symptoms of Cancer Patients, the Pharmacogenomics Testing that examined variations of proteins in the body that can affect whether a drug is cleared quickly or slowly, thus increasing or decreasing the likelihood of side effects.
Today, we received $50,000 to support the Allogenic Transplant Program Expansion. The Adult Allogenic Transplant Program involves transferring the stem cells from a healthy donor to a patient who has received high dose chemotherapy and/or radiation. Allogenic transplant is the only cure for many cancers. The Betty Hise funding support will be used to close funding gaps in Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials being conducted at St. Luke’s MSTI and allow us to continue to bring valuable research opportunities to our patient population.

From Left to Right:
Celeste Keller, Dr. Mark Roberts, Judy Gessford with Betty Hise for Cancer Research, Mark Parkinson,Research